Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Unwavering Fidelity to God’s Will

02-02-2025Weekly ReflectionTami Urcia

In the old tradition of the Church, the Christmas season was celebrated up until this day, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. This allowed for 40 days of bringing to mind the glorious day of Christ’s birth on earth, similar to the 40 days we celebrate from Easter Sunday until the Feast of the Ascension. While current calendars have us taking down our trees at the Baptism of the Lord, just three short Sundays after the Nativity, today’s Feast still holds great significance.

Jesus, our Lord and Savior, was born into a humble Jewish family. His parents were faithful to God’s will, whether it be agreeing to a supernatural conception, following instructions given in dreams or fleeing to a foreign land. On this day, they were called to carry out a religious custom. 40 days after birth, the family was to bring their child to the temple to dedicate him to the Lord. A sacrifice was brought for the ritual offering, normally a lamb, but since Mary and Joseph were of humble means, they brought either a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.

But perhaps the most surprising element of this event is the fact that the Holy Family falls into the background. They are not the main characters in this story, but rather two elderly individuals who seemingly come out of the woodwork when the Christ Child is brought into the temple. Simeon and Anna, two righteous and devout people who were awaiting the redemption of Israel, were chosen as some of the first people whose eyes lit up upon seeing our Savior! In fact, Simeon even got to hold Him in his arms!

And that is why some still call this day “Candlemas” as well. They bless candles that symbolize Jesus as the Light of the World. Simeon and Anna experienced first hand the splendor of the Lord and went on to give thanks to God and speak about the child to all who would listen. The light that shone forth from the tiny Babe, went on to shine forth through them, for Jesus illuminates all the nations.

As we gaze upon the unwavering fidelity of Simeon and Anna, Mary and Joseph, what will our response be? Let us ask for the intercession of these saints to imitate their prayerful faithfulness. May we always be ready to follow God’s will in our lives and present all that we are to Him in love.