GROW: There is much we could ponder in today’s Scriptures, but the verses that stood out for me are these: “If you are patient when you suffer for doing what is good, this is a grace before God. For to this you have been called.” I have a hard enough time keeping my inner child under wraps when I suffer due to my own sinfulness or incompetence, and Peter is telling me to be patient when I suffer for doing what is good? Well, yes – “because Christ also suffered for [us], leaving an example that [we] should follow in his footsteps.” And the clarity of this truth hits me smack in the face. Doing what is good means we are loving another, in some way; we are doing good, for good. We are engaging in self-sacrifice, and some form of suffering is inherent to that. But here’s the thing: it’s an oddly joyful kind of suffering because it produces good fruit and directs our thoughts and vision to the one who is present among us as “the shepherd and guardian of [our] souls.” Let us pray for the ability to see each moment of suffering for doing good as “a grace before God.”
GROW: The two disciples had every reason and opportunity to see that it was Jesus walking beside them. They knew that the tomb was empty and the women who had discovered it had relayed what the angel had told them: Jesus was alive. It had only been three days since he had died. Yet, even as he was in their midst, the two disciples’ eyes were prevented from recognizing it was Jesus. Only when he broke bread with them did they perceive and understand. Jesus walks beside us as well, but perhaps our eyes, like those of the two disciples, are prevented from recognizing him. What clouds our vision? It could be fear, doubt, despair, as on that road to Emmaus. Or maybe it is pride or hardness of heart. Like the early disciples, we must speak to Jesus, and tell him our story. Jesus comes to meet us, and we in turn have an opportunity to encounter him in many ways, most particularly in the breaking of the bread – the Eucharist. No matter how frantic or chaotic our lives may have become, attending Mass serves as an anchor, and a reminder of Jesus’ presence with us every day.
READ MOREActs 2:42-47
1 Pt 1:3-9
Jn 20:19-31
GROW: “I’ll believe it when I see it.” We’ve all said this at some point, usually in response to hearing about someone unreliable doing something out of character. St. Thomas had the same reaction in today’s Gospel when he wasn’t there when the other disciples saw Christ for the first time since he rose from his tomb – “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nailmarks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” Although Jesus helped Thomas with his unbelief, he blesses those who have not seen, but believe. Have any of us seen the nail marks in Christ’s hands and feet, or the wound in his side? Do we see Christ’s body and blood on the altar, or do we see only the gifts of bread and wine? Christ comes to us in ways we can understand initially – parables, bread and wine, the face of people we meet throughout our daily lives – but our faith in what we have not seen, in the great mystery of our salvation, is what makes us Christian.
READ MOREActs 10:34a, 37-43
Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8
Jn 20:1-9
GROW: I love arriving to Mass early when the sacristan is preparing the altar, or even shortly after the prior Mass clears out. This is because I enjoy praying the rosary with fellow parishioners as well as having my choice of seat in the church, but there’s also something about the silence, the stillness that permeates the atmosphere during that time. Sitting alone with one’s thoughts tends to either disturb or flat-out bore many people, but consider the silence in a new light this Easter Sunday. Mary of Magdala visited Christ’s tomb only to find it empty; what was the tomb like after Christ had risen and left? I’d like to think the silence of the sanctuary before Mass is like the silence of the tomb: still, peaceful and, most of all, joyful, for our Savior conquered the grave. In a way, arriving early to a silent church is like Mary arriving to Jesus’ tomb and finding it empty. Soon, though, the church is filled with other believers – witnesses to the risen Christ who proclaim his victory over sin and death to share in the Eucharist before going out into the world to serve and make disciples.