GROW: “If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured.” The assuredness with which the woman in today’s Gospel, afflicted with hemorrhages, speaks, is something I aspire to. She is at her wit’s end, with nothing to lose and everything to gain, and she simply determines what she will do, bolstered by her faith in Jesus Christ. Notice how she doesn’t approach Jesus directly, engage in conversation, or even ask anything of him. And Jesus, for his part, doesn’t actively seek her out or call her to him. But the woman knows. “She had heard about Jesus,” and she just knows that by simply touching his clothing, not even touching his human flesh, that the power he has within him will cure her. Her actions reflect the virtues of fortitude and hope, but it is her faith that has allowed her to see and understand the divine nature of Jesus – to see the God of healing standing before her. And she is not afraid. She trusts in his promises and compassion, and gives herself over to him with full vulnerability, achieving healing and being granted peace in response. If only we could do the same every time we are at our wit’s end … or maybe even long before we get there.
READ MOREGROW: St. Boniface, an English Benedictine monk who died in the 8th century, wrote in a letter: “In her voyage across the ocean of this world, the Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life's different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship but to keep her on her course.” Oceans and seas, lakes and rivers, baptism. The role of water in daily life and its use as a metaphor are woven throughout our Scriptures. In today’s readings, we hear two references to the sea. First, we have God talking to Job out of a storm, reminding the prophet that he – the Lord – is the one who created the seas and keeps them firmly in their place. The Gospel passage provides us with a stark reminder of that truth. As the disciples and Jesus cross the sea, a storm crops up and threatens to sink their boat. But one command from Jesus and the water is still. St. Boniface had it right. We really all are on that ship with Jesus on its voyage across the ocean of this world, and trusting in him to keep us on course and safe from harm ensures we reach the destinations he intends for us.
READ MOREGROW: If we walk through the woods on a beautiful spring day, we’ll see the signs of life bursting forward. Green shoots coming up from the ground, leaf buds poking out from the branches of a tree – even the birds and animals are busily scampering. Life, growth, and new beginnings are all around. Today’s readings have a common theme of nature as one of the ways we can experience God’s design. Like the crowds Jesus taught, we may not know the exact cause of what makes a plant grow from a tiny seed to a towering tree, but that’s OK – we don’t have to know. As St. Paul writes, “we walk by faith, not by sight.” We trust the Lord to lead and guide us. And, like the harvester in the parable, we can observe, tend, and act when the time is right to bring in the harvest, for, as Paul continues in his letter: “We aspire to please [God].”
READ MOREGROW: I know people who read the ending of a book before they are finished with it. I could never do that! I have to follow the story in every detail until the final page. When it comes to the story of our salvation history, however, we get to do a little of both: we know the end of the story in terms of Revelation and God’s desire for us to live with him in eternity. We know of the heavenly kingdom to which we have been invited and in which we live. What we don’t know is all the details that get us to our own, individual, final page in the great drama of our response to the gift of salvation. In the first reading today, we hear the story of the fall of humankind – about how our earliest parents rejected God’s command and gave into temptation. However, the story doesn’t end there. Adam and Eve may have been sent out of the Garden of Eden, but God didn’t give up on them – or us. Instead, he sent a long line of prophets who paved the way for his Son, Jesus. With Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, the gates of heaven were opened so all have the opportunity to accept the gift of salvation. As St. Paul writes in his Letter to the Corinthians, we can know “that the one who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus.”